CES 2007: Corel updates DVD Copy 5 with iPod, Vista support

Pre CES 207 coverage - Las Vegas (NV) - Corel announced today a Vista update for DVD Copy 5, available free for those who own the Gold, Platinum, or Express version of the software. The update adds support for Zune, iPod, and TiVo connectivity, and also includes certification for Windows Vista.

With the new updates, users will be able to optimize video for the Zune as well as the latest generation iPods. Also, it can import video recorded on any TiVo Series 2 recorder. Additionally, says Corel, the new update takes advantage of computers with Core 2 Duo processors, allowing for faster conversions.

DVD Copy 5 supports DivX, HDV, and dual-layer DVDs, as well as output formats for 3G mobile phone handsets. "By providing support for moving video, movies and music between PCs and the latest devices such as iPods, the Zune and the new TiVo recorders, DVD Copy 5 gives users unlimited ways to enjoy and share their multimedia content," said Corel general manager Blaine Mathieu.

The update is available from the website of Corel's parent company, Intervidio, as a free download for existing owners of DVD Copy Gold, Platinum and Express.