Four Apple Execs at Top of 'Best Paid Execs' List

As one of the richest companies in the world, Apple rewards its top brass pretty handsomely. In fact, Apple pays its top executives so well, they make up the majority of the top five highest paid executives in the United States.

As one of the richest companies in the world, Apple rewards its top brass pretty handsomely. In fact, Apple pays its top executives so well, they make up the majority of the top five highest paid executives in the United States. At least, they do according to the Standard & Poor's. Standard & Poor's 500, a stock market index based on the market caps of 500 leading companies on the U.S. stock market, lists four of the top five highest-paid executives as Apple employees.

Bloomberg cites the S&P 500 in reporting that Bob Mansfield, Bruce Sewell, Jeffrey Williams and Peter Oppenheimer made the list of the top five highest paid execs in the United States. This is according to fiscal 2012 compensation figures filed with the SEC. Mansfield is Senior Vice President of Technologies at Apple, while Bruce Sewell is General Counsel and Senior Vice President of Legal and Government Affairs. Jeffrey Williams and Peter Oppenheimer are Senior Vice President of Operations and Chief Financial Officer, respectively. The four were each awarded compensation packages ranging from between $68.6 million and $85.5 million last year. Bloomberg reports that CEO Tim Cook, with his $4.17 million compensation package, ranked 1,016 on the list.

Of course, more interesting is who snagged the only non-Apple spot in the top five. That person was Oracle's Larry Ellison and he occupies the top spot. Ellison received $96.2 million last year. That's enough to buy your own personal island, and Larry did just that last year. Ellison bought the Hawaiian island of Lanai in June of 2012. Though it's not clear how much he paid, Ellison is said to have purchased 98 percent of the island’s 141 square miles from landowner Castle & Cook.

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  • edogawa
    What on earth do they do that merits between $68.6 million and $85.5 million?
  • del35
    Ummm, the money swindled from the technological morons that flocks to Apple products had to go somewhere, and it was certainly not going to technological innovation and research....
  • edogawa
    10671982 said:
    Ummm, the money swindled from the technological morons that flocks to Apple products had to go somewhere, and it was certainly not going to technological innovation and research....

    Lol, that sounds about right.
  • Non-Euclidean
    They come up with revolutionary new ways to use the judicial system to suppress competition and innovation.
  • The Greater Good
    Reason #583 not to buy anything Apple.
  • house70
    All of the above.
  • burmese_dude
    Apple judges should get a piece of that crumb.
  • burmese_dude
    Apple judges should get a piece of that crumb.
  • beppomarx
    10672101 said:
    Reason #583 not to buy anything Apple.

    With that logic you also need to avoid using any device that was developed or uses anything by oracle. Good luck with that.

    Btw I can't stand apple either, HTC one FTW!!!
  • kinggraves
    And yet they still can't afford to pay those expensive US taxes on the rich or source their labor locally where they'd have to pay for unions. US labor is way too expensive, our CEOs wouldn't even be able to buy islands!