Corning Intros Lotus XT Glass For Hi-Res Displays

Corning, the maker of Gorilla Glass, has introduced Lotus XT Glass, a second-generation glass substrate specially formulated for high-performance displays.

According to the company, the new glass features best-in-class total pitch variation, which is integral to efficient panel manufacturing. Typically measured in microns or parts per million (ppm), total pitch is defined as "the distance features move during panel processing."

"If you can predict the amount the glass shifts, then you can account for this movement. Deviation – or variation – from this predictable movement can ultimately result in yield loss," said John P. Bayne, vice president and general manager, Corning High Performance Displays. "Lotus XT Glass is designed to have improved thermal and dimensional stability over higher temperatures, generating higher yields for our customers."

Corning said this new Lotus Glass platform can be packed with LCD and OLED panels that use either oxide thin-film transistor (TFT) or low-temperature poly-silicon (LTPS) backplanes. The resulting combination is an energy-efficient, immersive display device that features high resolution, fast response times, and bright picture quality.

"The intrinsic thermal consistency of Corning Lotus XT Glass allows it to retain its shape and quality during high-temperature processing," the company said. "Decreased compaction and variation during the crystallization and activation step further reduces stress and distortions to the substrate. Corning Lotus XT Glass also offers the advantages of Corning’s proprietary fusion process while meeting the stringent cost requirements of the mobile device and IT display market."

Corning's Lotus XT Glass will make its first public appearance in its booth (#801) at the Society for Information Display’s (SID) Display Week in Vancouver, British Columbia, May 21 - 23. The company will also showcase its EAGLE XG Slim for a-Si displays, it's ultra-slim and flexible Willow Glass, and Gorilla Glass 3 with Native Damage Resistance.

"Display Week is a time to take stock of the industry and its future," Bayne noted.  "The industry is changing, and Corning believes each of its innovative glasses helps solve tough technological challenges – advancing displays even further."

  • TheMadFapper
    This is why I bought Corning stock a few years ago :) I knew they'd make some cool things happen.
  • dietrich1
    ya corning is pretty awesome and i recommend anyone who can reach upstate new york to go to the glass museum.