13 April Fools’ Day Tech Announcements We’re Pumped About

Roku Pet Remote

TV keeps getting revolutionized. Now, instead of just raising your kids, your TV can watch your pets. That’s thanks to TV innovator Roku and its Press Paws Remote. We’ll let these furry guys fill you in.

Razer Ping

Razer Ping instantly had us sold with this product pitch’s opening line: “Enjoy chatting with your friends, but hate talking to them IRL?” Yes, Razer I do! And I especially hate spelling out tedious phrases like “in real life!” Ping is the notification app we all need, allowing users to point at objects and send its description as a message to your so-called friends.

Bean Bag Onesie

Finally, you’re going to need a comfortable seating arrangement to enjoy all these innovative products announced this April Fools’ Day.  ThinkGeek has got you covered with the Bean Bag Onesie. It provides you with some soft junk in your trunk so you can be in a onesie AND be able to pop a squat anywhere, anytime at ease. Thanks, ThinkGeek!

Scharon Harding

Scharon Harding has a special affinity for gaming peripherals (especially monitors), laptops and virtual reality. Previously, she covered business technology, including hardware, software, cyber security, cloud and other IT happenings, at Channelnomics, with bylines at CRN UK.