This is What DC Universe Online Will Look Like

The superhero universe is a match made in heaven for MMO gameplay. City of Heroes showed that it was possible without any expensive license, it was about time that the comic book media involved (without getting cancelled) and soon we'll be getting the DC Universe Online on both the PC and PS3 this November.

Rather than having a city filled with Supermans, Batmans, Flashes, etc, you'll be still making your own hero. But we're still looking forward to it. Released at E3 was this trailer that refreshingly showed all in-engine scenes and some real gameplay.

Marcus Yam
Marcus Yam served as Tom's Hardware News Director during 2008-2014. He entered tech media in the late 90s and fondly remembers the days when an overclocked Celeron 300A and Voodoo2 SLI comprised a gaming rig with the ultimate street cred.
  • yay
    reminds me too much of wow... Ewww.
  • pojih
    yayreminds me too much of wow... Ewww.


    You know WoW made all of the money it did for a reason right? Sure it changed over the years in order to make more money, but I really don't see a problem with the original.

    And the game, looks nothing like WoW.
  • harth13
    doesn't look good
  • fr0stza
    Graphics are disgusting... gameplay doesn't look too bad though
  • dEAne
    Just okay for kids.
  • andrazz90
    if its not the 1,1,1,1,2,3,2,2,2,2 gameplay of wow i might actually look into it
  • ben850
    yayreminds me too much of wow... Ewww.
    not seeing the resemblance.

    oh yea, and how dare they try to mimic the best selling MMORPG of all time!
  • 1st duke of marlborough
    Graphics are great for what the game's subject matter is. What would you expect from a comic book game, gritty CoD realism!? Of course the graphics are going to be cartoony, it's based off of what is essentially a cartoon that doesn't move!

    But since I'm not a fan of doing my taxes, erm I mean playing MMO's, I probably won't bother with this one.
  • cracatoa
    You didn't need to see anything about this trailer after the SOE branding near the beginning. They have the Touch of Death for MMOs, and this will be no different. It'll have a fairly successful release followed with a quick demise.

    DC should have known better than to partner with SOE.
  • sliem
    I also don't see anything special.