AMD Loses Half Market Value in 6 Mos., Investors Pessimistic

AMD stock was trading in the neighborhood of $4.10 on Thursday, which is down from $8.25 in March of this year. The market cap of AMD has settled below $3 billion, the lowest since August 2009. The stock traded as high as $46 during the height of the dotcom boom and $40 in 2006, when the company was challenging Intel's processor dominance with its Opteron and Athlon X2 CPUs.

While AMD was able to recover in 2002 and 2009, there are signs that AMD may be stuck in the $4 segment for awhile. According to investment research firm Schaeffer's, almost 15 percent of current AMD stock investments are betting on a declining stock value over time. The firm noted that current trading indicate a bearish sentiment "for the long haul" and recent aggressive investments bet that the stock will drop even below $3 with a profitability target for short interest investments of $2.84 by January 2013.

So far, this is just speculation. However, there is no denying that AMD's board and investor base will grow increasingly nervous if the stock continues to slide. On the day CEO Rory Read was hired, AMD's stock stood at $6.49, and at $8.83 when his predecessor Dirk Meyer was let go. AMD's stock has always been rocked by sharp ups and downs and Meyer had to deal with prices as low as $1.82 in November 2008, but Read's hiring appeared to be focused exactly at avoiding those sharp declines.

The recent downward trend began in April 2010 and AMD's new executive management needs an effective plan to inject more confidence in the company again. Otherwise, the recently launched transition toward a much more consumer-oriented company could come to a sudden stop and AMD may turn into a bargain acquisition target for increasingly powerful ARM SoC designers.

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  • proxy711
    Ouch that's not good news. I'm not sure what they expected though after claiming they can't keep up with intel and they wont get into a race with them anymore.

    Just because everyone knows that you're getting your ass handed to you by intel doesn't mean you can outright say so. Never show weakness.
  • computernerdforlife
    How to make easy money - short trade: RIM, Groupon, Facebook, AMD, and Dell to guarantee huge money in 3 months time.
  • spartanmk2
    Good news for Nvidia?
  • dudewitbow
    spartanmk2Good news for Nvidia?their gpu business isn't failing, its the cpu business. too many delays on the release on their cpus(trinity was supposed to be may, opening up in october is an example)
  • geekapproved
    You Intel fans better hope AMD succeeds, or you'll be paying $1000 for mainstream cpu's like you used to.
  • A Bad Day
    dudewitbowtheir gpu business isn't failing, its the cpu business. too many delays on the release on their cpus(trinity was supposed to be may, opening up in october is an example)
    And if AMD fails, they might spin-off their GPU department to save it. Or it gets purchased by Intel or ARM.
  • Onus
    I'd be inclined to go long AMD. No, I'm not a fan, but I don't see them dying. A return to profitability could occur based on any aspect of their plans, not limited to mainstream CPUs. This actually has me thinking about opening an eTrade account.
  • NightLight
    geekapprovedYou Intel fans better hope AMD succeeds, or you'll be paying $1000 for mainstream cpu's like you used to.
    altough i agree that it would hurt de consumer that someone has a monopoly,
    see how fast their sales would decline if they try to pull that off in this day and age...
  • uglynerdman
    Before people flame me understand i loved amd my first comp was a k6 and i have built amd up until this yearbut... Investor base? LOL amd hasnt payed a dividend in like ever. The company is going in the wrong direction. Shure their DESKTOP bits are fine, but to other consumers the intel offerings of the same price and lower are better. AMD is completely blind to the mobile performance market and tablet markets they could be taking advantage off. AMD's marketing and support for its new technology is horrible. AMD has gutted most of its engineers and R&D. Rory READ is a horrible president. Their laptop cpus are absolute garbage! i hate to say the company i loved so much and been a loyal customer to is garbage but thats what theyre selling! Enduro causes more issues than its worth! amd keeps staying behind and its not fun sticking up for them anymore. This new direction AMD is on means the company was going to fail is going to fai land it is failing PERIOD. I hope Samsung Buys AMD and kick out the president. AMD needs its innovation back. ... or this could be all part of a plot from the catholic church and certain governments by installing horrible ppl like rory read to destroy the company because AMD's main investors are the Saudi Government and royal family inc.
  • busuan
    To save the future of true parallel computing, AMD has to save itself first. AMD MUST make its case with Apple, as I see Apple the only company could implement and execute AMD's ambitious ideas. Heterogenous computing is essentially what Apple is now moving toward. And it is obvious that APU is inherently for iMac and Mac mini which demand decent GPU capability as well as power efficiency. With some fine tuning, APU could make its way into MacBook Pro, even MacBook Air.
    I love AMD's APU approach. But everyone has to get bread and butter first.