UK Gov't Doesn't Want You Using Google Glass While Driving

With the likes of Google Glass and an abundance of smart watches set for availability in the next year or so, it seems wearable technology is set to be the next big thing. However, it seems the UK government is eager to keep your mind on the road, and that means you can't be using your Google Glass while you're driving.

Stuff reports that the Department for Transport has already taken steps to ban Google Glass while driving. Though the device has not yet launched in the United Kingdom, the DfT is hoping to avoid any potential for distraction on the roads. The government told Stuff that it was in talks with police regarding the issue.

"We are aware of the impending rollout of Google Glass and are in discussion with the Police to ensure that individuals do not use this technology while driving," a DfT spokesperson is quoted as saying. It is important that drivers give their full attention to the road when they are behind the wheel and do not behave in a way that stops them from observing what is happening on the road."

Google Glass is currently only available via the company's Explorer program, which means there isn't a whole lot of people wandering the streets (or the roads) with the high-tech goggles on. The technology won't be ready for the mass market until next year, but don't be surprised if we see some regulation about using it on the road before then. While you could say that Google Glass is hands free, the unit throws all kinds of visuals into your field of vision when in use, so it's hard to argue that it's not a distraction.

  • amuffin
    Anyone in their right mind would take them off before driving. UNLESS...
  • CrArC
    Welp, there goes my dream of a vehicle HUD with tach, speed and sat nav.

    Stupid people ruining it for the rest of us again. -_-
  • halcyon
    I see it both ways. Can understand the nanny-state and can understand how there could be some twisted, fun, or informative use for it wherever you are. Personally, I don't think it would impact my driving...but I may just be being arrogant.
  • cypeq
    Seems impossible to enforce just like only hands free phones.
  • mapesdhs
    As J. Clarkson once said, funny how something like a phone or Glass is
    deemed not acceptable because it's a 'distraction', yet it's ok for a couple
    to have screaming kids in the back where the driver is constantly looking
    back at them to tell them to stop kicking each other, etc., during which the
    driver isn't looking at the road.

    On the motorway I've seen drivers eating meals (with both hands! Using their
    knees to turn the steering wheel), putting on clothes, reading books, all sorts
    of crazy things. Sadly never a copper around to give them an earful for such
    stupid behaviour.

    Evidence is now available to show that, if anything, forcing drivers to use
    hands-free devices has made lack of driving attention worse (see recent
    New Scientist report). Since various cars already have HUD setups, and
    onboard satnavs & general car control systems make use of displays that
    force one to look away from the road, it's clearly a contradictory idea that
    Glass should be singled out for a ban. If Glass can't be used, then neither
    should any screen-based control setup or HUD in cars.

    This kind of political move is just bandwagon-thinking. They're assuming
    there will be a vocal minority against it, so they're prempting the outcry to
    gain points.

    Traffic law should be based on evidence & reason, not public bias
    and political soap-boxing.

    And cypeq is right, I don't remotely see how it could be enforced.
    Heck, the police here don't even enforce existing laws against
    using normal mobiles (not hands-free I mean); I see dirvers
    using them all the time, though nothing was as bad as watching
    a woman drive her car past me up a hill (I was waiting to cross
    the road), past several turn-offs, a library (lots of children around),
    three bus stops and a bus terminus, all while putting on her freakin'
    makeup using the car's sun-visor mirror, ie. not looking at the road
    _at all_. A woman across the road from me stared in astonishment;
    we both looked on, half expecting the driver to plough into a tree.

    Tech devices like Glass are the least important issues the govt
    needs to be tackling on the roads. Just general bad driving is
    more blatantly dangerous. I see no end of people breaking red
    lights (anyone else here in Edinburgh? Check Queensferry Road
    junction, it happens on every change of lights), entering box junction
    grids when the exit is not clear, etc.


  • eiskrystal
    mapesdhs - That means you will have people eating, shouting at their kids AND using Google glass at the same time.

    Google may want this as well since any driver in a crash could claim that Google threw up a window that distracted him and therefore they they aren't guilty and Google should be sued.
  • BranFlake5
    eiskrystal - Google isn't liable for how you use their product. (probably in terms of use) If anyone in a crash claimed their phone distracted them, they look like a fool and no lawsuit occurs. Imagine if it did, Do you know how many people would've sued Apple/Samsung etc. ?
  • dextermat
    UK Gov't Doesn't Want You Using Google Glass While Driving

    sounds logical to me and hope other government will follow
  • r1Master
    I bet these clowns have not even worn the Google Glass... IDIOTS !!! Don't start ranting about something you do not fully understand.
  • ChrisCullen Inc
    Agree to be honest. We have enough absolutely awful drivers as it is who get distracted at the smallest of things and I'd rather not have something else as well. Not against Google Glass though.

    I could imagine it not doing something someone asked, they take them off to have a fiddle and then...
