Nvidia Drivers 191.07 Boost Your Games

Nvidia has released new WHQL-certified drivers for GeForce 6, 7, 8, 9, 100, and 200-series desktop GPUs and Ion desktop GPUs.

One thing that gamers always hope for with new driver releases is increased game performance – free speed upgrades through the magic of software.

Nvidia's release notes for 191.07 list the following new features:

·  Adds support for OpenGL 3.2 for GeForce 8, 9, 100, and 200-series GPUs and ION GPUs.

·  Accelerates performance in several gaming applications. The following are examples of improvements measured with version 191.07 drivers vs. version 190.62 drivers (results will vary depending on your GPU, system configuration, and game settings):

  • Up to 12% performance increase in ARMA 2
  • Up to 8% performance increase in Batman: Arkham Asylum with GPU PhysX enabled
  • Up to 50% performance increase in Call of Juarez: Blood in Bound with SLI enabled
  • Up to 14% performance increase in Fallout 3 (indoor scenes) with antialiasing enabled
  • Up to 10% performance increase in Far Cry 2 (DX9 version) with antialiasing enabled
  • Up to 34% performance increase in Prototype with antialiasing enabled

·  Adds SLI support for Aion, Darkfall, Dawn of Magic 2: Time of Shadows, Dreamkiller, Fuel, Majesty 2: The Fantasy Kingdom Sim, Need for Speed: Shift and more.

·  Includes numerous bug fixes, including the following key fix (additional bug fixes can be found in the release notes on the documentation tab): For graphics cards supporting multiple clock states, 3D clocks correctly return to 2D clocks after exiting a 3D application.

Grab the new drivers right here.

Marcus Yam
Marcus Yam served as Tom's Hardware News Director during 2008-2014. He entered tech media in the late 90s and fondly remembers the days when an overclocked Celeron 300A and Voodoo2 SLI comprised a gaming rig with the ultimate street cred.
  • truehighroller
    That's great but, they are in hot water with people right now over the whole disabling PhysX when ATI is sensed speal.
  • doomtomb
    Adds SLI support for... Need for Speed: Shift
  • kyeana
    Yay for new drivers! But seriously with ATI's 5800 series of cards out, it's time for them to release their GTX 300 series.
  • brett1042002
    but can it play..... nvm...
  • kyeana
    quickwindDid you know in Batman: Arkham Asylum if an ATI card is in it disables the game's engine from using AA, can still enable via CCC or change the hardware ID to trick the game into thinking it's an nvidia card and it works just fine too.
    It doesn't trick the game into anything, it just forces AA through the drivers, instead of enabling it in the game.
  • coonday
    5870 > New drivers
  • quickwind
    The option isn't there with ati card, if you make it think its an nvidia card the option is there. Not the least bit shady to me or anything lol.
  • Major7up
    They always claim improvements in performance when releasing new drivers, and there might be some but I never actually notice this realistically. Does anyone else?
  • duckmanx88
    major7upThey always claim improvements in performance when releasing new drivers, and there might be some but I never actually notice this realistically. Does anyone else?
    not in fallout 3 or far cry 2.
  • Malevol3nt
    Has anyone else had issues installing any of the 19x series of drivers on the 9600GT? The installation starts, then the screen turns black with a blinking cursor (which should be normal for a second) but then it just stays there on that screen. Windows does not load after reboot. This happened to me with both Win7 and WinXP, 32bit. Using older drivers atm.