Vote Now! The Tom's Hardware Definitive PC Games Part 2

To help navigate this brave new world of gaming, Tom's Hardware is in the process of assembling the definitive list of PC games in a number of genres. 

Although the Tom's Hardware Editorial team is few in number, the Tom's Hardware Community is legion. With your input, we hope to assemble a list of the best and worst PC games that can truly be called "definitive." Over the next week, we'll be collecting Community feedback across multiple categories. Once we have a sufficient number of votes, we'll present a showcase of the winning games on the Tom's Hardware homepage. Click here to vote on your definitive list of PC Games. You can check out all of the Community submissions by heading to each category in the PC Gaming forum:

Most Memorable Protagonist

Most Memorable Levels

Most Interesting Easter Eggs

Best Puzzle Games
Most Memorable Bugs and Glitches

Best Games with the Worst Dialogue

Best Games with Mature Subject Matter

The vote will run for seven days and end on Monday, November 7. Get your turkey on, game on, and vote on your favorite PC Games!

Looking for other gaming suggestions? Follow our Steam Curator Feed for up to date best picks from the Tom's Hardware Community.

  • tburns1
    Awww, no System Shock 2 or Thief II.
  • Vosgy
    "Vote Now! The Tom's Hardware Definitive PC Games Part 2
    by Joshua Simenhoff November 20, 2017 at 11:10 AM"

    "The vote will run for seven days and end on Monday, November 7."

    Ummm, what.
    Also some of the choices of games/characters where truly bad.
  • bo cephas
    Part 2? Why isn't there a link back to part 1?
  • AndrewJacksonZA
    What about the Dino Park and Secret Ant missions in C&C and C&C:RA for the easter eggs? There was even morse code in the RA manual!!
  • fry178
    Nothing from the R6 series?ok..
  • jimmysmitty
    20398997 said:
    "Vote Now! The Tom's Hardware Definitive PC Games Part 2
    by Joshua Simenhoff November 20, 2017 at 11:10 AM"

    "The vote will run for seven days and end on Monday, November 7."

    Ummm, what.
    Also some of the choices of games/characters where truly bad.

    I don't disagree. To this day I never got the hype around Final Fantasy 7. But to me 6 was a better game and that's just preference.

    20401871 said:
    Nothing from the R6 series?ok..

    A lot of this comes down to a bunch of games put in a pool and people voting based on preference. The R6 series has some good games but I don't think they have defined gaming as much as some of the title on this list, not all of course as some choices are pretty meh TBH.
  • Simon Anderson
    Has any game EVER had good dialogue? Kind of a race to the bottom isn't it? ;) thank god for "skip" buttons... Dear gaming companies: please hire movie script writers, and more importantly, movie editors and directors... If you do already, hire better ones :P
  • fry178
    And then what, we're paying 100$ for the game?
    dont really give a shit about edition/movie parts of a game.

    would like to see EVERY game having a SP mode that works offline and not some castrated online-crap they sell as such (ubi-> siege),
    and maybe start doing demos (first level etc), so we can experience it and decide if we want to buy the game.