Is Stargate Worlds Doomed? MGM Says Maybe

According to, publisher Firesky is in risk of losing the Stargate Worlds license if the company doesn't raise enough capitol to keep the lights on, pay off back wages, and launch the Stargate-themed MMORPG. Apparently, the publisher has until August 1 to raise the money else MGM will pull the license. To top things off, the whole ordeal relies on a group of doctors who are considering an $8 million investment.

Firesky's Director of New Business Development Shane Hensley said that the company has never considered scrapping the game, nor is there any danger of MGM stepping in and pulling the license. "MGM certainly isn't thrilled with our current situation, but neither do we have any specific indication they're pulling the license on any particular date," he said.

Funds for Stargate Worlds ran dry long ago, but rather than discontinue development, the company decided to hang on and continue working. Many key personnel moved on to other projects, while others chose to continue with the game and remain behind on pay. said that currently there is only one member on the client team and one member on the server team still on the Stargate project.

“Overall, funding is obviously a huge challenge for us, but our management is working on it daily,” Hensley said.

Stargate Worlds is currently in development at Cheyenne Mountain Entertainment, and is expected to launch in Q4 2009. The MMORPG uses Epic's Unreal Engine 3, and originally began development back in 2006. Firesky stepped in during 2008 as the game's publisher.

  • mlcloud
    At least make it a somewhat clever and relatively entertaining comment if you're going to brag that you were first... Many others have read the article before you and have found nothing to comment on it and thus haven't even given it the blessing of such comments.

    You on the other hand, found it thrilling enough to proclaim your lack of anything else to do.
  • P_haze420
    Another unreal engine in the game.....*sigh*
  • anhxeom
    MGM may pull the Stagate license from publisher Firesky if it doesn't cough up more funds.
    Was your spell check off?
  • fulle
    I don't get how on these multi-million dollar game projects they end up without enough money to pay the 3 people left developing the game. If you're going to make this kind of a big investment, make damn sure you keep enough funds to hire a fucking crew to work on the game. Why does this happen?
  • Sicundercover
    I dont think any of them use spell check at Toms anymore.

    Where The F*%K is Rob Wright these day? I need to surf where he is to get some game reviews.

    Anyway, shame to see this happening but the game really didnt appear to have any ground breaking playability going on. Maybe thell find new funding if "Stargate Universe" gets good ratings.
  • maigo
    MGM is just being a dick, like a month ago they FINALLY went after a Stargate themed browser game that's been around almost 4 years
  • techguy911
    They have had no luck with any stargate games they end up giving license to two bit developers running from there basement, every time a stargate game goes into development it becomes vaporware.

    They need to give license to well established developers , i have been waiting for an offline stargate game based on series nothing was ever made for the pc or ps3.
  • techguy911
    hey have had no luck with any stargate games they end up giving license to two bit developers running from there basement, every time a stargate game goes into development it becomes vaporware.

    They need to give license to well established developers , i have been waiting for an offline stargate game based on series nothing was ever made for the pc or ps3.
  • nukemaster
    Cheyenne Mountain Entertainment. HAHAHAHAAA that is funny. Its kind of sad that MGM is doing this, they where even advertising the game for a while.

    I had always questioned the use of the unreal 3 engine for a MMO with so many users running around.

    Time will tell.
  • daggs
    I don't understand, what is the game's rendering engine?