Bluetooth Hi-Fi: The Headphones Of The Future?

Fragile Rock?

Minus the model numbers, the full name of the product is the i-Phono Bluetooth Hi-Fi Sports Headphone Kit. Quite a mouthful! As mentioned before, these aren't intended to replace the ultra high-end noise-canceling headphones like your $300 Bose pair. Instead, it seems Bluetake's marketing material is trying to get you to focus on the sports applications of lightweight wireless headphones. Most of their online and print advertising features women jogging or guys rollerblading, listening to their favorite tunes while unencumbered by the usual wires snaking up to their heads.

Bluetake's marketing material suggests they are for the active user.

It all looked fun, but I was skeptical of the sound quality. And when I actually got the headphones, I was even more skeptical of their sturdiness when faced with the possibilities of a sport-filled life. They had certainly achieved the goal of being light, but they felt far too fragile. I was sure that the delicate hinges that allowed them to collapse so conveniently would break, or the arms themselves would snap.

Here they are folded. They look fragile, but actually they can take a little abuse.

Unwilling to take any chances, during the first few days of my testing I treated them like a newborn. But there is a reason that I don't have kids - and it's not just because I wasn't married until last month. On the third day, I dropped the headset on the floor. Then, in a scene straight out of a Three Stooges movie, I stepped on them during the attempt to pick them back up. I was sure it was "Bye, Bye Baby."

Miraculously, they were unharmed. From then on, I decided to handle them with a little more nonchalance. I have since sat on them, repeatedly dropped them, and dropped a large book on them, all without any ill effects.