Rockstar Posts Next-Gen Screenshots of GTA V

It's been a long wait for GTA V to arrive on the PS4, Xbox One and PC. Oh, what's that? It hasn't arrived yet? Anyway, while the next-generation console version is slated to arrive on November 18, and the PC version on January 27 of next year, Rockstar is keeping us interested by offering more details about the game. The latest post from the company doesn't reveal many new details about the in-game content, but does include some screenshots of the in-game content we already knew was coming.

The new content includes the Dodo seaplane; a faster, more maneuverable blimp; a couple of new cars; extra weapons; additional missions; a "wildlife photography challenge;" and stock car races. Whether the screenshots are from the PC variant or from the PS4 or Xbox One variants is unclear, but what is apparent is that it looks very good.

If you pre-order the game you'll also receive an extra one million dollars of in-game credit, split evenly over story mode and GTA Online mode.

Last month, Rockstar told us that the PC version will be released a bit later than the next-generation content variants because it is polishing the game as much as possible. You might be upset about the longer wait, but after what happened a few years back with the GTA IV launch, we're more than happy to wait a little longer to get a properly ported game. Hopefully, the longer wait will be worth it. It has also been reported that the PC variant of GTA 5 will have Mantle support.

So, without further ado, enjoy the screenshots below. You can click on them for larger versions.

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Niels Broekhuijsen

Niels Broekhuijsen is a Contributing Writer for Tom's Hardware US. He reviews cases, water cooling and pc builds.

  • derekullo
    Shut Up And Take My Money.
  • firefoxx04
    Maybe it has been a while sense I played it on 360 but it looks the same to me.

    Could be wrong. I dont care. I just hope the online is fixed and they get rid of the dumb 'bad player lobbies' or whatever. So lame.
  • dovah-chan
    I think it looks absolutely wonderful. I'm most impressed with Rockstar's lighting system. The sheen on metals and plastics as well as the ridiculous polycount that vehicles seem to have just blows me away. Far Cry 3 also gave me the same effect, with the sheen bouncing off of the leaves and foliage which just gives the game a lively and vibrant feel.

    Games these days are really starting to give prerendered graphics a run for their money, especially with real time cloth physics simulation.

    But, once animations and collision simulation are perfected, the real fun begins.
  • BleedingEdgeTek
    Maybe it has been a while sense I played it on 360 but it looks the same to me.

    Could be wrong. I dont care. I just hope the online is fixed and they get rid of the dumb 'bad player lobbies' or whatever. So lame.

    Yeah, it's been awhile since you've played then lol
  • Joseph DeGarmo
    My GTX 970 is ready. Bring it on!!
  • childofthekorn
    Other sites have been suggesting this is the PC graphics. Thanks for not making the same mistake. For the record, I would be entirely satisfied if these were them. As far as I'm concerned my only true requirement is to have mod support, seeing what modders were able to do for the graphics of skyrim, oh man.
  • childofthekorn
    14474672 said:
    My GTX 970 is ready. Bring it on!!

    My HD 5850 is cowering from the thought of this game. :-P
  • AkiraErebos
    Is this game for PlayStation 5? Or which next generation console are you talking about?
  • giovanni86
    When it released for consoles i knew it looked amazing, but i also knew the potential for the game to look even better was without question. I look forward now with only 3 months away from the PC release, just gotta get me two 980's before that day.
  • Cryoburn101
    14474672 said:
    My GTX 970 is ready. Bring it on!!

    My HD 5850 is cowering from the thought of this game. :-P

    My 9800m GS just had a heart attack :/