'For Honor' PC Hardware Requirements Now Available

If you’re planning on playing the For Honor closed beta next week, you might want to see the recently released hardware requirements for the game. This will give you an idea if your PC can handle the beta as well as the final version of the game.

The requirements fall under two categories: minimum and recommended. At first, this seems like a regular list of specified parts. However, Ubisoft went out of its way to be specific in a few areas. For example, the minimum requirements will achieve a 720p resolution at 30 frames per second (fps) on the game's Low settings, whereas the recommended specs are for a 1080p resolution and 60 fps gameplay on High settings (both configurations have VSync turned off).

In addition, there are numerous Nvidia and AMD cards across past and present series listed on both categories, which means that the game can still run at its best on older GPUs (the game requires 2GB of video memory regardless of the card). For more information on GPUs, check out our hierarchy chart.

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For HonorMinimum (720p, 30 fps, Low settings)Recommended (1080p, 60 fps, Ultra settings)
CPUIntel Core i3-550 (Clarkdale, 3.2GHz)AMD Phenom II X4 955 (Deneb, 3.2 GHz)Intel Core i5-2500K (Sandy Bridge, 3.3 GHz)AMD FX-6350 (Vishera, 3.9 GHz)
GPUNvidia GeForce GTX 660Nvidia GeForce GTX 750 TiNvidia GeForce GTX 950Nvidia GeForce GTX 1050AMD Radeon HD 6970AMD Radeon HD 7870AMD Radeon R9 270AMD Radeon R9 370AMD Radeon RX 460Nvidia GeForce GTX 680Nvidia GeForce GTX 760Nvidia GeForce GTX 970Nvidia GeForce GTX 1060AMD Radeon R9 280XAMD Radeon R9 380AMD Radeon RX 470
OSWindows 7, 8.1, 10 (64-bit)Windows 7, 8.1, 10 (64-bit)
InputKeyboard and mouseXbox One/Elite/360 controllerThird-party Xbox-compatible controller (partial support, may require additional drivers)DualShock 4DualShock 3 (partial support, may require additional drivers)Steam controller (partial support, may require additional drivers)OUYA controller (partial support, may require additional drivers)Logitech Chilstream (partial support, may require additional drivers)Keyboard and mouseXbox One/Elite/360 controllerThird-party Xbox-compatible controller (partial support, may require additional drivers)DualShock 4DualShock 3 (partial support, may require additional drivers)Steam controller (partial support, may require additional drivers)OUYA controller (partial support, may require additional drivers)Logitech Chilstream (partial support, may require additional drivers)

One item of note that’s missing from the chart is storage, but a look at previous triple-A titles suggest that you’ll need to free up at least 50GB of space just to be on the safe side.

The four-day demo will feature the new "War of the Factions" metagame that drives the overall multiplayer experience. Be sure to check out our hands-on time with the game in order to get an idea of how it will affect the conflict between the three factions.

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NameFor Honor
TypeAction, Melee, Third-Person
DeveloperUbisoft Montreal
PlatformsPC, Xbox One, PlayStation 4
Release DateFebruary 14, 2017
Where To BuyUplay ShopSteamPlayStation StoreXbox StoreAmazonBest BuyTargetWalmartGameStop
  • 4745454b
    Thank you Ubisoft! I really wish more companies would do this. With the rise of 2k and 4k monitors I've been wondering when we would see the suggested specs comes with resolution sizes. For people wanting to know what they need for the different sized monitors out there this will be a big help.
  • Jim90
    If the recommended setting gives "1080p, 60 fps at Ultra settings" then it would be good for enthusiasts (/folk with > to >>> recommended specs) to let them know how much eye candy extras (in particular) can be gained. >60fps should also be hoped for but have Ubisoft capped the frame rate?
    It would be good for all (consumers, gfx card makers, etc) to know that games developers are still supporting high end systems, and hopefully including higher def textures and not simply up-scaling.
  • LeVsKaR
    I am pretty confident that the Ultra ones have an error. I mean, I do like my GTX760 but it is not even near the class of 680, 970 and 1060, did they perhaps mean 960? It just seems implausible a 760 to be able to run it at Ultra 1080p60fps to me at least
  • Poozle
    The game is easy enough to run, dont worry about it. No FPS was capped in beta I played and it played well on my 970m and desktop 980ti for 1080p and 1440p respectively.
  • RCFProd
    Looks like this is going to run so well.
  • spagalicious
    Don't forget the internet connection, its an 'always online' title. DRM is great, DRM is good. The ubisoft creed
  • alexandergc
    There seems to be an error in the article.

    In the text, you say that the Recommended settings are for 1080@60FPS High.
    In the table, it's 1080@60FPS Ultra.
  • Avus
    Finally it is either Ubisoft hired a guy who really know about PC hardware to write system requirement or Intel stopped paying Ubisoft to only suggest the newest Intel CPU in the system requirement section.
  • uglyduckling81
    Ubi... I always think they have gone out of business.
    Last Ubi game I played was Assassins Creed.
    Last Ubi game I bought was HOMM5.
    I do remember buying something on Steam and it said it was installing Uplay, I was like WTF is this? Looked at it, uninstalled and refunded the game. I'm not putting more junkware on my PC.
  • clonazepam
    19199816 said:
    Ubi... I always think they have gone out of business.
    Last Ubi game I played was Assassins Creed.
    Last Ubi game I bought was HOMM5.
    I do remember buying something on Steam and it said it was installing Uplay, I was like WTF is this? Looked at it, uninstalled and refunded the game. I'm not putting more junkware on my PC.

    Uplay offers unique rewards and achievements for Ubisoft's loyal customers. It's a system that just isn't possible on Steam.

    Anyway, I've been playing the beta this weekend. The game looks impressive and runs really well. Enabling the super-sampling option reduces my framerate by about 70% so I'm definitely leaving that one off.

    It's incredibly fun and visceral combat like I have never experienced before. If I were better at the game, it'd be a definite purchase. I am definitely finding it to be too difficult for me, so I won't be spending money just to be frustrated. I wouldn't change a thing about it though in that regard, as there's plenty of more casual titles to romp around in.