Game On With the Ultimate X9 from ABS Computers


We use Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion as the ultimate torture test. The only settings we don't maximize are HDR and soft shadows. We disabled HDR since Nvidia cannot render HDR with antialiasing (ATI cannot either without the "Chuck patch"). We disabled soft shadows because they don't appear correctly as shadows from the back of a character's head, which can cast a shadow that can be seen on their face. This can make the women appear to have beards, for example

In our outdoor scene there are long lines of sight, day is changing into night and there is foliage swaying in the breeze. This has a severe impact on performance. This is where raw horsepower can muscle its way through this test.

Your jaw should be dropping in Oblivion. The outdoor torture test almost wasn't enough for the ABS Ultimate X9. The game is playable at 2048x1536 and that is impressive. For the first time we see that the indoor scene is limited by the processor. You would think that an overclocked Intel Extreme Edition would not hinder performance but at 1024x768 indoors, we see it capped.


Gamers can now have the performance of the Mach V Quad SLI system, but for a fraction of the price. Granted the standard warranty is less than desired, but for the quoted $4,600 you can have your cake and eat it, too. ABS stands for "Always Better Service" and the firm wishes to sell to do-it-yourselfers who are looking to get more for less. Every piece of hardware in this system could be purchased off the shelf at retail to save some money, but for a bit more, you can have the system put together professionally by ABS.

This is one fast machine and the numbers prove it. Price for performance, it beats the Falcon Northwest Mach V, and while you do not get the boutique treatment with ABS like Falcon Northwest, the cost makes it a welcome addition to any gamer or enthusiasts' arsenal.

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