The Matrix Orbital MX610 Ultra-Smart Character Display

Software Controller

The software that ships with the MX610 is an OEM offering from LCDC that is also bundled with many products. A registration window continually nags you until you visit the company's Website and enter the product serial number to register your copy.

Small but shrill; the LCDC Software

Once you've registered and updated the code, you can finally get at the otherwise invisible software for the display. But this invisibility stems in part from the software's default display inside a tiny 1.5" x 3.0" window. The program's submenus, in which the individual functions reside, only appear when menu items are clicked.

Once all the drivers are installed, you must then inform the software about the type of display you're using, as well as any temperature sensors or system fans that might be attached to the device.

Primary configuration menu

The programming interface

Siggy Moersch