Lacie's Culbuto is Wobbly USB Key and Picture Holder in One

CES brings all kinds of whacky gadgets; Lacie has a couple of choice pieces at its booth this year. The company on Wednesday launched the Culbuto USB key, which is a thumb drive that doubles as a picture holder. It also has a weighted, rounded base, so it doesn't tip over. Not an unusual feature for a picture clip, but definitely unusual in a USB drive.

"The search for movement and balance is essential in my work," said  product designer Constance Guisset. "Repeated and infinite oscillation fascinates me. For my first project with LaCie, I proposed a slightly roly–poly key that eventually became LaCie Xtremkey. When LaCie asked me to develop this idea, Culbuto was the result. It's an irresistibly fun USB key."

This USB 3.0 memory stick comes in 16 GB and 32 GB capacities. The former is priced at $49.99 while the latter is priced at $79.99.

Check out all of our CES 2014 coverage!

  • mortsmi7
    So that's how Edward Snowden...
  • doomtomb
    Uhhh wtf will this company think of next! A picture holder... really? Haven't ya heard of a picture FRAME? Mindblown, I know. Next we created a hard drive that doubles as a toilet bowl scrubber.