Ubuntu Phones from Meizu and bq Coming This Year

We haven’t heard much about Ubuntu’s phone plans since its Indiegogo campaign came up $19 million short of its $32 million funding goal earlier this year. However, Ubuntu did say we’d see other Ubuntu phones in 2014, even if the Edge wasn’t going to be one of them. And what better time for those phones to break cover than right before Mobile World Congress?


Canonical announced that phone manufacturers Meizu and bq have announced plans to make and ship Ubuntu phones. Both companies have committed to shipping their devices around the world as opposed to just select markets. Interestingly, though Canonical mentioned partnerships with the two manufacturers and several carriers, it did also say it would be selling the phones through its own website, too. This suggests the phones will be available off contract, too.

No information on specific devices was offered, but with MWC right around the corner, we're hoping to see some Ubuntu-flavored phones in Barcelona later this month. Interestingly enough, Meizu just announced plans to sell its MX3 smartphone in the United States back in January, at CES. Looks like the company is hoping for a two-pronged approach with its entry into the U.S. market.

Follow Jane McEntegart @JaneMcEntegart. Follow us @tomshardware, on Facebook and on Google+.

  • nevilence
    I would of loved to have seen the Edge come to be, unfortunate that it didnt. I would be keen to have a look at these phones though
  • Let's hope they will be making their way to the Peoples' Colonies of Northern Canackistan.