Foxconn Working With Police on Bribery Allegations

Employees allegedly solicited "kickbacks" from suppliers. At least one manager of the company was detained in Shenzhen as a result of the investigation and bribery claims. Foxconn said that it will "thoroughly investigate" the case and collaborate with authorities.

According to media reports a dozen other employees are suspected to have accepted bribes. The company said that it has suspended orders from one company that is said to have offered and paid bribes.

"We are working with law enforcement officials who we brought in to work with our own internal audit team as part of an investigation into allegations against a number of Foxconn employees related to illegal payments from supply chain partners," Foxconn wrote in a statement provide to the media. The company employs more than 1.2 million people in China and is primarily known as the manufacturer of Apple's iPhones, iPads and iPods, but also assembles products for Dell, HP, Intel and Microsoft.

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  • Gundam288
    Well if your workers are jumping off the roof because of being worked to death or demanding higher wages and your managers say nothing is wrong, I think there is a problem there.....
  • ln030921
    Haha "working" with police.
  • zzz_b
    Bribery??? :O All ex-comunist countries have it all over the place.
    I am sure that here in the State is going on too, but more discrete.
  • ddpruitt
    Shame on the workers!!

    They didn't give the police their cut!!
  • noblerabbit
    Foxconn to police: If you don't leave the compound immediatery, I will spare our workers from jumping off the buildings, and you will therefore be unemployed with nothing left to do!
  • memadmax
    Yea, they are under investigation because they went to cheap >_>

    ching chang! yang chow!
  • WE are working with law enforcement who WE brought in to work with OUR OWN internal audit!
  • blazorthon
    Tom's, you could have at least given a link to a full list of the companies who are clients of Foxconn. The list has dozens, if not hundreds, of companies. Giving a small list and not even saying "and much more" after it seems kinda misleading about how much Foxconn really does.
  • dalethepcman
    zzz_bBribery??? All ex-comunist countries have it all over the place.I am sure that here in the State is going on too, but more discrete.
    In the states its called lobbying. "Pay no attention to the man behind the curtain"
  • rosen380
    "Giving a small list and not even saying "and much more" after it seems kinda misleading about how much Foxconn really does."

    They do mention that Foxconn employs 1.2M people -- I think with that info alone, you have to have some idea of how much they do.