EA's Need for Speed MMORG Set for July

PC gamers looking for an online MMOG that doesn't involve guns and dragons will get a little taste of speed when EA launches Need For Speed World on July 20. Developed by EA's Black Box Studio in collaboration with EA Singapore, the game will be free-to-play with additional incentives for paying customers. The game was originally assumed to solely utilize the microtransaction system, however EA has chosen to take a different route by offering several options.

According to the company, Need for Speed World will allow fans to experience the full game until they reach level 10, including all the races, pursuits, and career progression. Players wanting to advance beyond the free-to-play level cap will be required to purchase a $20 Starter Pack--this includes a voucher for twenty bucks worth of SpeedBoost, full access up to level 50, an assorted bundle of power-ups, and an exclusive limited-edition vehicle.

"Players who pre-order Need for Speed World will have a one-week head-start to the game on July 13th, with increased Rep (XP) gain for the duration of the head-start event and guaranteed access to all upcoming Need for Speed World beta events," EA said. "Finally, players will also be able to reserve their driver names in advance of the game going live and have VIP status permanently displayed in their driver profile. Pre-orders are available now at eastore.ea.com or at participating digital retailers nationwide."

EA also said that owners of the Starter Pack can purchase items like power-ups, double XP periods and even rental cars "starting at just a few cents." The game itself boasts 150 miles of open road, and even incorporates many of the popular cities found in Need For Speed Most Wanted and Need For Speed Carbon.

  • thesupermedium
    As long as it has some semi-realistic driving and upgrades, sounds good!
  • Pyroflea
    Well this should be interesting. I'm curious how it'll work though. Will there be lots of smaller "worlds", or will there be 100,000 cars free-roaming a city? :p
  • ColMirage
    Who said PC gaming was dead?

    Idiots did.
  • xc0mmiex
    totally free > micro payments > ptp full game ...and i had hopes that EA would make nice for once, foolish me
  • -Fran-
    Project Torque well done? By EA? Really doubt it, lol.

    I'd have to play till the lvl 10 cap and see if it's really worth it.

  • saint19
    Let's see how this works, because the last NFS series wasn't very good IMO.
  • matm347
    I second the need for realistic driving and upgrades...the OG NFS(and maybe NFS II) was all about realistic physics(for the day)...I understand the need for some people to want arcade style driving...but others want some realism to it. Give us a realistic upgrade path (swapping a clutch DOES NOT increase HP!!!) and I'll be sold! Heck, the OG Burnout(ran from a DOS prompt to tell you how old it is) had an AWESOME engine simulator..allowing for cylinder, displacement, boost, nitrous, and complete cam customization.
  • Kelavarus
    I've been in the beta a few times, and I'll say it's pretty neat. Realistic driving? Not sure what you're holding as a standard, but it's very similar to Need for Speed Most Wanted. Upgrades? I'm not really sure, I didn't get that far in the beta, but as far as I could tell there weren't actual car upgrades. Never mind 'realistic' ones. Just better cars. But I could be wrong, no quotes here.

    @Pyroflea - Yes. It's similar to Districts in Guild Wars.

    @Yuka - As far as I know, Project Torque doesn't have an open world. Which is part of the point of NFSW.

    @Matm347 - Even 'for the day', I never got a feeling of 'realistic' physics from NFS and NFS 2. I remember it as being not too far from Need for Speed Most Wanted. I guess I could be wrong.
  • eklipz330
    do u get to buy car parts with real money? sounds cool and lame at the same time
  • bochica
    I played the "beta 4." It has some potential, and at the moment it still needs some work. This game is where the NFS series should have gone before Pro Street. I can't wait to see the car lineup grow.