News archive
August 2010
184 articles
- August 31
- Samung Galaxy Tab Coming to Verizon?
- Cloud Computing: New Name, Same Old Tech
- AMD Reveals Single Link DisplayPort-to-DVI
- Open Beta for Final Fantasy XIV Postponed
- Hackers Often Accidentally Send Code to Microsoft
- Get a Free Copy of Mafia II with GeForce GTX 400
- First StarCraft 2 Patch Detailed, Hitting September
- MSFT Founder Sues Google, Apple, eBay, YouTube
- Leak Reveals Toshiba Tegra 2, Android 2.2 Tablet
- Intel Buys Infineon's Wireless for $1.4 Billion Cash
- Microsoft: Something Big Coming for PC Gamers
- AMD to Ditch the ATI Brand for Radeon Graphics
- August 30
- August 28
- MSFT Sorry for Having Bikini Girls at Conference
- Spy's USB Drive Caused Worst US Military Breach
- Catalyst 10.8 Brings SC2 AA; Hints at Future GPUs
- Man Gets Drunk, Shoots Company Server With .45
- Apple Manager Stashed $150,000 in Shoeboxes
- Commodore C64 Returns With Atom, Ion 2
- This Android Tablet Doesn't Need Glasses for 3D
- August 27
- Crysis 2 $150 Nano Edition Detailed in Video
- Intel Making Computers That Will Read Your Mind
- Microsoft's Internet Explorer 9, Dissected
- Why Valve Nuked Portal 2's VS. Multiplayer Mode
- In Pictures: Insanity At Gigabyte's GO OC 2010
- In Pictures: 20 Must-Download Utilities For Windows 7
- Your Smartphone CPU May Go into Data Centers
- IBM Reveals World's Fastest Microprocessor: z196
- LaCie Crams 1TB Into Durable Aluminum Shell
- August 26
- IBM's New Power 7 Server Lineup: More Speed
- New BB Torch Costs as Much to Make as iPhone 4
- MS Team's Motto for Windows 95: 'It Sucks Less'
- This is What Steam Gamers Have Installed on PC
- Intel Talks a Little About 10-core Westmere-EX
- From Dust Has a Glorious Engine for God Games
- This is What Internet Explorer 9 Might Look Like
- August 25
- Anti-Depressants Used Against StarCraft Addiction
- Rage, Doom 4 May Not Support Stereoscopic 3D
- Intel CEO: Things Need to Change in the U.S.
- Intel, Nokia Create Lab to Work on 3D Holograms
- Microsoft's CPU/GPU Combo Chip is Called 'Vejle'
- Firefox 4 B4 Now Online, Brings Tab 'Panorama'
- Major League Gaming Bans Razer Onza Gamepad
- Introducing: Tom's Hardware Finland. Game On!
- Apple Files Patent for Touch iMacs Running iOS
- VIDEO: Samsung's Android Spotted On a Train
- August 24
- WD's Livewire Uses AC Outlets for Networking
- Blizzard Shifts to StarCraft 2: Heart of the Swarm
- A Peek at Portal 2 Co-op, Where You Play Robots
- AMD Drops 3DNow! Support From Future CPUs
- Intel Now Shipping New Dual Core Atom N550
- Plenty of Tablets At Best Buy This Holiday Season
- McAfee: Cameron Diaz is Most Dangerous Celeb
- Study: 27 Mil. Americans Planning Tablet Purchase
- Gamer Sues Over Being Addicted to MMO Gaming
- Neverwinter Online RPG Heading To PC in 2011
- ViewSonic Tablet Will Have Android & Windows
- August 23
- August 21
- August 20
- AMD Slashes Prices on Selected CPUs
- HP Confirms WebOS and Windows Tablets/Slates
- We Want YOU: Call for Community Reporters
- Firefox 4 B4 Bringing Direct2D GPU Acceleration
- Razer to Release Deadly Mechanical Keyboard
- Bulletstorm Gameplay Video, Plus 9 Screenshots
- Portal 2 Dated, New Gameplay Demonstration
- In Pictures: Kalinka! Modding Between Moscow And Siberia
- Foxconn Holds Anti-Suicide Rally for Employees
- Microsoft's Arc Touch Mouse is Like No Other
- Dell's Streak MID Disassembled and Photographed
- August 19
- August 18
- Ubuntu 10.10 Getting Multitouch ''Sequences''
- Sony Announces New, Higher Capacity PS3 Slims
- Zalman Wants You Designing... [CLOSED!]
- Intel, Micron First to Triple Level Cell 25nm NAND
- Microsoft Announces Age of Empires Online
- Intel Releases Two New Atoms for NAS Devices
- Microsoft Flight: The Return of Flight Simulator?
- IE9 Beta: Better Is Not Enough
- Apple Partner Thought It Was Paying for Consulting
- August 17
- August 16
- August 14
- August 13
- Super Awesome Deal on id & Bethesda on Steam
- Nvidia Announces $141 Million Net Loss in Q2FY11
- id Software Rage Ported to iPhone 4, Runs 60fps
- Upcoming Build of Firefox 4 Getting Tab Candy
- Micron Enterprise SSD is ''Fastest SATA Drive''
- Hollenshead: id Tech 5 Will Not Be Licensed
- In Pictures: 20 Of Our Favorite PC Game Mods
- August 12
- Crytek Says 3D is the Future of Crysis
- John Carmack to Reveal Something Special
- Microsoft Recommends Chrome for Hotmail.. Huh?
- Asus Conference Notebook Stolen Before Show
- Activision: Infinity Ward Will Rise From the Ashes
- Gearbox Software to Finish Duke Nukem Forever?
- Unhappy HP Employees Named Mark Hurd a 'Turd'
- Microsoft Shows Tablet With 'RearType Keyboard'
- HP: WebOS 'Hurricane' Tablet Coming Early 2011
- D-Link Improving Router Security with DNSSEC
- The Winners of a Free Copy of Just Cause 2
- August 11
- Valve Software Trademarks "DOTA"
- Registry Tweak Enables Updates for XP SP2
- Dell Uses 'Apples to Apples' Comparison to Show How Its PCs are Better Than Macs
- AMD Makes Fun of Nvidia Fermi's Hotness
- These Are the Civilization V System Requirements
- Windows 7 Slate Faces Off Against the Apple iPad
- Caption Contest: The DSi XL + Zoo Animals
- Dell Streak 5'' Phone Officially Priced at $299/549
- August 10
- Blizzard Not Worried About StarCraft 2 Piracy
- Seagate: New HDD Tech To Enable 100 TB HDDs
- Toshiba Reveals Self-Wipe HDDs, Hide Your Vids!
- Apple to Use AMD Fusion CPUs for New Apple TV?
- Microsoft Publishes Comparison Web Page on Why Windows 7 is Better Than Mac OS X
- Woman in HP Sexual Harrassment Case Speaks
- August 9
- August 7
- August 6
- Microsoft Setting Record With Next Patch Tuesday
- Logitech Announces New PC Gaming Peripherals
- Cooler Master's New Gaming Mouse for MMOs
- Blizzard Cracks Down Erotic Role-Playing in WoW
- Kotick: Blizzard's Secret MMO Will Be New IP
- Nvidia GF106 Chip For GeForce GTS 450 Leaked
- Part 2: 20 Crazy And Unique Case Mods
- Acer Debuts Dualboot Android/XP Netbook at $300
- Apple Cannot Handle More Than 5-Percent
- Battle Hero Cooler Geared for Gaming Notebooks
- August 5
- August 4
- VOTW: Controlling Super Mario With Your Eyes
- New Palit GTX460 Sonic Uses 2GB GDDR5
- Verizon, Motorola Working on Android TV Tablet?
- Google was Crowned 'King of Malware' in Analysis
- Lots of StarCraft 2 Sold in the First Two Days
- Crysis 2 Delayed; Need For Speed Shift 2 Coming
- Beware: Email Scam Targeting StarCraft II Fans
- HP Settles with U.S. DOJ, Denies Illegal Conduct
- ASUS Gaming Headset Includes Rumble Feedback
- New Samsung HDD Shoves 2TB on 3 Platters
- PC Version of Fable III Delayed
- August 3
- August 2
- August 1