Clutter Rescue: 2 Port KVM Switches

Keysonic IC-712IK

The 2-way KVM switch IC-712IK offers a knob for client computer selection, which is set on the front of the switching box. A yellow LED signals which of the connected computers can be operated via the console. The switch supports only the regular KVM functions; USB and audio are not supported by this device. The AutoScan mode functions only via a key combination on the console keyboard. This can be manually set between 5 seconds and 30 seconds. Both connector cables for the client computers are 1.8 meters long, as with nearly all other KVM switches, and are included in the package. The four rubber stops the box rests on make sure that this KVM switch has a secure footing in spite of the heavy cable.

A turning knob serves to switch between client computers.

The connector cable sockets are located on the back.

Siggy Moersch
  • kvmswitch
    Greatt work Siggy
    have you seen the Smartvm's KVM Switch . I think they are great too and really affordable.

    Jennifer Luec