The Fifteen Greatest Hacking Exploits

Mitnick's Capture: A Battle Between Hackers

In 1994, Kevin Mitnick was back to his illegal activities, and wanted by the FBI. He was already known worldwide because of his exploits, and his portrait had been distributed all over, encouraging people who recognized him to call the authorities if they spotted him. It was during this year and the one following that Kevin Mitnick would become the object of the most spectacular manhunt launched against a hacker.

Mitnick Attacks a Rival

Mitnick decided to attack another hacker and security expert, Tsutomu Shimomura. His attack was well prepared, and to be certain nobody would disturb him, Mitnick launched it on Christmas Day, December 25, 1994. He hacked Shimomura's personal computer using a technique unheard of at the time, IP spoofing, which involves using a bogus IP address to avoid being discovered during an intrusion.

Mitnick was betrayed by Shimomura's firewall, however, which recorded all activity on the target machine. On December 26, Shimomura received a call from one of his colleagues informing him that his machine had been the victim of an intrusion. He quickly established a link to Mitnick, and decided to lend a hand to the FBI in arresting the hacker, by using his own hacking skills.

A Virtual Manhunt

Shimomura obtained carte blanche from the FBI, including authorization to use hacking to find Mitnick. The pursuit became a virtual chase; for example, Shimomura reported that he surprised Mitnick on January 17, 1995, when he infiltrated a network belonging to Motorola in order to steal the company's security software.

Mitnick's Arrest

As the chase intensified, they started closing in on Mitnick, who retreated to the city of Raleigh, North Carolina. To find the cell phone Mitnick used to launch his attacks, Shimomura walked the streets of Raleigh for two days equipped with a communications detector. On February 15, 1995, at 2:00 in the morning, the FBI burst into Mitnick's apartment together with Shimomura. When he saw his rival, the fugitive exclaimed: "Hi, Tsutomu! Congratulations!" After a pursuit of almost two years, Mitnick was sentenced to five years in prison, at that time the harshest sentence ever given to a hacker.

  • They should have very serious consequences for hackers. I'm tired of defaced websites, viruses, trojans, etc. Although it is fun to screw around with other people's computers..especially if they've done it to you...but either way there should be some huge penalties for hacking. I say chop off a thumb on the first offence. 2nd offence: chope off the rest of the fingers on that hand. Hackers along with script kiddies would cease to exist.
  • itadakimasu
    sounds like you have been the victim of malware and virii while doing some questionable internet browsing...
  • Well, 'Anonymous', I hope you're using Tor to browse the 'intarweb', you worthless plebian.
    Here in the USA, we aren't barbarians, and the only people who would even deserve such harsh treatment would be rapists and their ilk. Even so, we just lock em up and release them on probation a few months/years later. :P
    Not perfect, but I say cutting off fingers because you're too stupid to take basic steps to protect your system? Kinda harsh.
    The difference between a robber and a hacker, is that you can completely stop a hacker by unplugging your phone line from your modem.
    Do that, for the sake of humanity. :P
  • arkadi
    Well it is important info, but i don't think you can call them the best :) they got basted after all. Governments got best hackers if you ask me.
  • Reynod
    There are numerous other well documented hacks that probably deserved a mention.

    At least you did take the moral high ground.

    You neglected to mention Electron and Phoenix ... clearly they were better than most of these mentioned here.

  • deadliest
    hmmm so this hacker list is not complete oh oh oh , you should have guys, it was most interesting reading about this. But i think hackers are a necessary evil without them how would i play my pirated games :D
  • @ Arkadi
    "Well it is important info, but i don't think you can call them the best :) they got basted after all. Governments got best hackers if you ask me. "

    Lol, where do you think the Government found there hackers? They hired guys like this ^^Rofl
  • Script kiddies. Blegh.
  • ahhhhhh
    its good to be a hacker
  • jordanprogrammer
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