Big Patch for Battlefield 3 PC Planned This Week

Electronic Arts reports that the DICE team is hard at work supporting the just-released Battlefield 3 game. Currently there are plans to release a huge patch for the PC version this week. Consoles will also receive a huge update, but not until after the PC patch is unleashed due to the certification requirements for console content.

According to EA, the patch for Battlefield 3 on PC will bring improved polish, stability, weapons balancing, squad control functionality and user interface enhancements. It will also feature enhancements that address feedback the community has provided to date. The "negative mouse acceleration" problem will also be addressed, the company said.

"Regarding cheating and boosting, we continue to analyze data to identify and hold accountable (ban, wipe stats) players that cheat or boost," EA states in this blog on Friday. "We’ve received questions about what to do when faced with unsportsmanlike conduct in Battlefield 3 – the best course of action is to click the warning sign next to their profile name in Battlelog, or head to the EA Help Desk and report your issue. These leads will enable us to follow up on the report."

EA said that it will reveal the actual launch date and a detailed fix list sometime week, so be sure to check back in during all that turkey eating and holiday shopping. Battlefield 3 originally launched on October 25 for the Xbox 360, PlayStation 3 and Windows PC. So far the PC version has received the highest score with an 89 out of 100, followed by the PlayStation 3 version with 86 and the Xbox 360 version with 84.

  • buckcm
    So, five weeks later they are going to fix the mouse issue many people notice? They should have fixed some essential stuff like that first instead of releasing a monster patch.
  • amk-aka-Phantom
    Does that affect single player and/or graphics performance? 'Cause I'm totally fine with both...
  • amk-aka-Phantom
    buckcmSo, five weeks later they are going to fix the mouse issue many people notice? They should have fixed some essential stuff like that first instead of releasing a monster patch.
    BTW, what's this mouse issue?
  • RealityClash
    Go on Bethesda, it's your turn next!
  • amk-aka-Phantom
    RealityClashGo on Bethesda, it's your turn next!
    No way. You forgot that developing on PC is hard!
  • acerace
    Big patch.. I hope not more than 2GB.
  • buckcm
    amk-aka-PhantomBTW, what's this mouse issue?Search the BF3 forums for mouse acceleration. I found a number of threads where people were complaining about the same issue where moving left-to-right (horizontally) caused there to be negative acceleration. It got progressively harder to continue turning in a direction, forcing you to drag your mouse more. It is very annoying, especially with hip fire. It is very noticeable if I try to do a zigzag pattern.

    I get an issue in and out of vehicles as well where moving left to right and vice versa causes the mouse to lock up. If I'm moving right at an instant, it locks up and I can't move right anymore. I must turn left before I can continue turning right again. This happens to me in vehicles and on foot.

    Furthermore, the sensitivity seems to go way up in vehicles compared to foot. I turn my DPI down from 1800 on my mx518 to the middle setting in vehicles like the jet and gunner seat for the IFV (infantry fighting vehicle / light armor), and helicopters because the sensitivity is too high, yet on foot it is fine.

  • amk-aka-Phantom
    buckcmSearch the BF3 forums for mouse acceleration. I found a number of threads where people were complaining about the same issue where moving left-to-right (horizontally) caused there to be negative acceleration. It got progressively harder to continue turning in a direction, forcing you to drag your mouse more. It is very annoying, especially with hip fire. It is very noticeable if I try to do a zigzag pattern. I get an issue in and out of vehicles as well where moving left to right and vice versa causes the mouse to lock up. If I'm moving right at an instant, it locks up and I can't move right anymore. I must turn left before I can continue turning right again. This happens to me in vehicles and on foot.Furthermore, the sensitivity seems to go way up in vehicles compared to foot. I turn my DPI down from 1800 on my mx518 to the middle setting in vehicles like the jet and gunner seat for the IFV (infantry fighting vehicle / light armor), and helicopters because the sensitivity is too high, yet on foot it is fine.
    Huh. I didn't notice that while playing... is it MP or SP or in both? What I did notice, however, is mini-stutter (less than 0.1s) while moving in large areas with motion blur on... pwnd by the new beta driver though, it seems.

    As for vehicles, I didn't get to them yet, but I will watch out for that, thanks.
  • I never noticed a mouse issue as you described. Only issue with the mouse is flying jets where its way too low for me. What I hope they fix is the green flickering. Thats way too distracting!
  • Ragnar-Kon
    I guess I am one of the lucky ones who have had almost zero problems with Battlefield 3. But even so, I'm glad they are fixing the issues other users are experiencing. Also glad they are willing to release the PC patch when it is ready, rather than waiting for the consoles to get approval. Refreshing change after being annoyed by that other wildly popular shooter series... ;)