Arc Mouse Concept Lets You Game on Curved Surfaces

If you've ever had to use your laptop in a confined space, you know very well that doing so with a mouse is very difficult or impossible. Many times this leaves you stuck with an icky touchpad, or a variety of uncomfortable, ergonomically challenged 'portable' mice. If you're the kind of person who can't stand using a laptop or computer without a quality mouse, the Arc Mouse is the perfect solution.

Designed by Seunghoon Shin and Chang Seok Kim as an entry for the 2012 IDEA Awards, the Arc Mouse is a versatile concept mouse that allows you to use your laptop in a variety of situations. Whether you're using a flat surface or a curved surface, the Arc Mouse is designed for a comfortable and smooth computing experience.

The concept features a wireless design and a curved structure, letting you use that padded armrest or your thigh as a convenient mousepad. The design is definitely an interesting concept, but of course the effectiveness of the mouse would all depend on the manufacturer. It would certainly be interesting to see Razer or Steelseries' take on this idea. In any case, with the Arc Mouse you definitely won't have to end up like this guy:

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Tuan Mai
Tuan Mai is a Los Angeles based writer and marketing manager working within the PC Hardware industry. He has written for Tom's Guide since 2010, with a special interest in the weird and quirky.
  • g00fysmiley
    interesting... but i am goign to laugh when they get complaints from larger than average consumers complaining the curve is to deep and it can't get over thier gelatinous thighs
  • eijiyuki
    g00fysmileyinteresting... but i am goign to laugh when they get complaints from larger than average consumers complaining the curve is to deep and it can't get over thier gelatinous thighs
    American thighs.
  • kcorp2003
    LOL @ that pic. i used my belly once.
  • woe96
    i already got a mouse that can do all that but better a track ball mouse
  • snowzsan
    LOL @ g00fysmiley

    The concept is pretty cool, but extremely impractical considering you won't be able to use it anywhere but on your lap. How about designing a mouse that you can bend and mold to whatever surface you put it on?
  • aoneone
    ROFL @ I bet that guy is screaming OW! my patella!
  • back_by_demand
    snowzsanLOL @ g00fysmileyThe concept is pretty cool, but extremely impractical considering you won't be able to use it anywhere but on your lap. How about designing a mouse that you can bend and mold to whatever surface you put it on?You will take your leg everywhere with you
  • scottiemedic
    I might be tempted to put one in my laptop bag if they are cheap enough, but knowing MS, they will start at $80 or more...
  • lorfa
    Yeah mom! Just uh.. playin' a fast game of solitaire!
  • snowzsan
    back_by_demandYou will take your leg everywhere with you
    LOL Thanks tips. Not the point.