ATI Buyer's Guide, Part III: All Graphics Cards!

Tools And Software, Continued

Interestingly, the user interface of Power Director is marked as the Pro version and not ME. The program can import movies from the hard drive as well as from analog or DV sources, and offers basic video editing functionality, including sound and image effects.

The other goodie included on the CD is Mediashow 2. This application creates slide shows from images, allowing the user to add a soundtrack and choose transitions.

Gecube Radeon X1800 GTO - Web Support

The Gecube website is available at The site follows a clear structure but annoyingly insists on installing a language pack. The driver section is easy to find, and the most recent driver version offered at the time of writing was 8203. The version of the driver found on the driver CD is specially adapted for use with the GTO chip - Catalyst version 6.3, available from ATI's website, does not support the chip yet. However, as ATI will certainly support the GTO in upcoming versions of the reference driver, users can also get newer drivers directly from ATI at